Apologetics: ə-pŏl'ə-jĕt'ĭks from the Greek απоλоγία Def: The branch of theology that is concerned with defending or proving the truth of Christian doctrines.

Thankful Thursday

Written By Esthermay Bentley-Goossen on 12 September 2008

I am an enormously thankful woman and the amusing part is that I don’t appreciate how thankful I am until I read other Thankful Thursdays and either fall down laughing or bite my lip to avoid shedding heartfelt tears.

-- I am thankful for my husband who encourages me to follow my passion, practice grace, offer forgiveness, and live a holy life by his example and his testimony.

-- I am thankful for the apples that said-husband picked up off the ground in the Adams City Park.

-- I am thankful that said-husband carried home those apples in his sweatshirt and peeled and sliced them up all by himself so I could make apple pie.

-- I’m thankful that we live in a small town and can walk less than a block to the grocery store to buy vanilla ice cream to go with the pie.

-- I am thankful that we have the money to pay three times as much for ice-cream in a small-town grocery store.

-- I am thankful for the absolutely clear simplicity and the immeasurable complexity of God’s Word.

-- I am thankful for the Holy Spirit’s gift of discernment in my life.

-- I am especially thankful for other Christians with this same gift. A girl with this gift definitely needs friends.

-- I am thankful that God has given me a strangely amusing and just plain goofy family that doesn’t care if I refuse (or simply forget) to shower and comb my hair.

-- I am thankful that I have an incessant need to brush me teeth after every meal.

-- I am thankful for disposable diapers and Pull-Ups. How did my mother do it??!!

-- I am thankful for the overwhelming evidence of GOD – and that atheists and liberals make such idiots of themselves when they open their mouths to argue against it.

-- I am thankful that people who don’t even like me visit my blog. (Please be blessed!)

-- I am thankful for FoxNews. (Enough said.)

-- I am thankful for Christian parents who taught me that God’s Word is the absolute final authority on all things.

- Esthermay Bentley-Goossen
See more Thankful Thursday at Sting My Heart


Denise said...

Such precious blessings, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Very nice. Thanks for sharing What a husband you have to peel and slice the apples too.

Andrea said...

I love reading Thankful Thursdays. You are funny and real. Thank you. I used to have visitors too who didn't like me (Code Pink Crazies). I wished they'd been blessed - instead I blocked them.

Anonymous said...

I would be thankful if I could get a piece of that apple pie! :)

You know, for so long I have been trying to figure out a phrase of how to describe the word of God and how it perfectly balances simple understanding with deep theology. You just did it for me. Thank you!

Love ya and hope you have a great weekend!

Esthermay Bentley-Goossen said...

Rachel: Feel free to plagiarize! God's Word is too awesome for human descriptives. If this one fits your life: it is free to re-publish. :-)

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