Apologetics: ə-pŏl'ə-jĕt'ĭks from the Greek απоλоγία Def: The branch of theology that is concerned with defending or proving the truth of Christian doctrines.

Integrity by Example. . .

Written By Esthermay Bentley-Goossen on 12 November 2008

In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In teaching show integrity, seriousness.
~ Titus 2:7

For More WordFilledWednesday, visit Amydeanne @ The 160 Acre Woods


Denise said...

You sweetie, are a great example to others. Bless you.

Anonymous said...

This is a great reminder for me today, Esthermay. I'm beginning a job search and in deep prayer that God will put before me the opportunity that HE wants me to have and that I'll hear and obey when He does. "Doing what is good,", "showing integrity and seriousness" are words I needed to hear before I follow my own natural inclination which is to go off half-cocked and do something that would not honor Him at all.

Anonymous said...

Is that your little girl and her daddy? How sweet is that?

Wonderful verse for all of us who influence others and especially children.

Andrea said...

This is special, brings back memories of teaching the boys how to ride their bikes. My husband did the SAME thing - got the photos to laugh at too! Once they're adults, it's the collective memories of teaching by example and integrity that carry them. Awesome reminder.

And BTW... I make more then $40,000, but made the glaze anyway. Sorry to say that cake would be pretty boring without it. Gotta' feel some pain for those Hard Working Republicans who make less that 40 $Grand.

Sherry said...

Great verse! If EVERYONE had godly integrity, what a different world this would be.

I believe that part of what will make Heaven so wonderful (besides our precious Lord) is that there will be PERFECT relationships. There will be no jealousy, envy, backbiting, greed, etc. Just perfect harmony!

I get excited just thinking about it!

Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous! :0) The photo and font are perfect together. Exmaples speak louder than words don't they?
Blessings on your day...

Jen said...

That is one of my favorite verses. Thank you for sharing. Love the photo.

Anonymous said...

Funny. Your husband is a great man of God and a wonderful teacher to his children and all of us. Thank you, dear.

Carrie said...

Oh, this is so true...children learn from our daily examples...may we be true to Christ's way.

Katie said...

OH my! This was just too cute. I loved it!

Bless you.

Melanie said...

Oh, this is so very true! What a great reminder to us all as parents.

Happy WFW!

Alexis said...

What a precious example of... being an example! Love it, thankyou for sharing!

Laurie Ann said...

Great example through the sharing of this photo and Scripture! I absolutely love the font, too! Happy WFW!

Peggy said...

Perfect illustration of showing by example...though integrity or sanity could be questionable(lol)!
How precious the love of a father!
Though not too serious...I totally love this precious photo of a loving, kind dad showing his daughter how...teaching by example. If only every lesson was that simple & practical! Bless you Esthermay for sharing God's Word in such a delightful way! Enjoy WFW!
Thanks for your visit!

lori said...

That is adorable.....Examples...far more powerful than words will ever be.

about the question of pie a la mode...well I did some checking for you...ya owe me now! :) HA

Here is what I found in a USA Today article on tricky etiquette....

No. 2: Pie and cake à la mode require a fork and spoon. The spoon is used to cut and place a bite of cake or pie and a bit of ice cream on the fork.

hmmmmmmm.....that's just adding more dishes to wash....I say give em a fork and let em do with it what they will....never let em see you SLURP! I've been around long enough to know that:)

peace Esthermay!

you did it again....I laughed! outloud!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

OH I love the picture. And the scripture is too cute with it. Thanks for sharing!

Happy WFW!

Sunny Shell said...

Precious sister Esthermay,

This Scripture-picture is FABULOUS and the message just wonderful!

Thank you so much for sharing and thank you for your kind comment!

Bless you sister,

Deanna said...

That picture reminds me of my Daddy. He would do anything with us. Thank you so much for a wonderful WFW!

Solace said...

Show me a photo of a child and you've won me over! This one is so very precious. A Daddy's love and attention is priceless -- even if the man looks silly. :-) This little girl will cherish this photo someday and always.

I LOVE your blog, Esthermay!
Congratulations on award from Christian Women Online.
Well deserved.

Joan said...

That is such a sweet picture and what a wonderful verse to put with it. Thank you for sharing.


Susan said...

OK, this was just adorable!!

Thanks Estermay for being such a blessing.

I always enjoy stopping by.

Hope you are have a blessed WFW♥

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture paired with a great verse! Thanks for sharing.

Alex said...

A gorgeous photo & verse to go with it. Blessings to you today!

Kristi said...

Oh, so precious and so true! Blessings to you.

Amydeanne said...

what an awesome reminder!

Anonymous said...

I've visited your blog several times. I've wanted to comment, but something tugs me not to. It is easy to see why some Christians are accused of being harsh and judgmental becuase I have often thought your posts are bordering that. But in complete honesty they are so full of truth that it scares people. It is the enemy of truth that causes people to get defensive and call it harsh and judgmental. The truth is the truth and I know that I can come here and read truth as much as it makes me uncomfortable because I think knowing God is suppposed to do that. Some comments on yesterday's post say pretty much the same thing. I know I ramble here but just want to say that more Christian bloggers should be so bold as you are. God really uses you.

DeeDee said...

Oh.. .I love the picture...

And the verse!

Sweet Blessings,

Anonymous said...

I think that if we are able to to this we would not only be a blessing to others, but also to ourselves. Imagine how much closer we would walk with Jesus if we were really able to live like this.

Tracy said...

What an awesome reminder for us as parents! Thank you so much for sharing. The photo you chose is especially precious!


Mariposa said...

And you are a good example!

Love the verse...Have a blessed day!

Unknown said...

Love this picture and the verse. Perfect!

Chelle said...

I LOVE that picture and verse :)

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