Apologetics: ə-pŏl'ə-jĕt'ĭks from the Greek απоλоγία Def: The branch of theology that is concerned with defending or proving the truth of Christian doctrines.

WordFilled Wednesday . . .

The Birds of the Heavens

Written By Esthermay Bentley-Goossen on 16 December 2009

This week's hostess for WordFilled Wednesday is Christy @ Critty Joy.


Anonymous said...

You haven't done Word Filled Wed. in awhile. This sure works better than the decapitated rabbit! It's lovely - what kind of birds? Do you know?

Anonymous said...

Love the pairing of this verse with such a neat photo :)

Happy WFW!


Ben said...

Lovely. Makes me miss North America and the snow...
"decapitated rabbit???"

Ozjane said...

Good one, and I also have missed you.

lori said...

Well LOOK who it is joining us today!!AND first on the list too!:) WHOO HOO! WELCOME back! You've been missed! I LOVE it EM, love this with the verse...HOW cool is that!

Hope the household is happy and full of good cheer!:)

hugs and peace,


SnoWhite said...

that is just beautiful!

Leah said...

Lovely blog, it's my first visit. :)

Momgen said...

Like the verse it is great to read. Happy WFW! Mine is ready.

Mine is here

Laurie Ann said...

Breathtaking, Esthermay. Very lovely.

Joyfull said...

Beautiful verse and picture! Happy WFW!

Anonymous said...

My first thought when I saw this WFW photo was...breathtaking! Praying you have a wonderful day!

Chelle said...

Stunning post, thank you.

Cathy said...

A beautiful picture and verse, thank you ~

lori said...

Girl....you have a gift...you make me LAUGH out loud! You have been missed as well...I certainly don't get to "visit" as much as I would like, you know those kids need to learn...:)

I'm glad that you enjoyed the "Peace to your household..." I had to look at the "whole verse" too...who knew...

and yes...this crew sounds like sheep, sheering or sleeping most of the time..and PEACE is a much underestimated gift...I'll take peace over an appliance any day!

You have a grand day girl!
A grand Season!

PEACE to you and your household...

LauraLee Shaw said...

That is just phenomenal. Wowzer!

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