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"You created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and
wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
I know that full well."
~Psalm 139:13-14
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"If they [my daughters] make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."
~ The President of the United States
"The first thing I'd do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing I'd do."
~A Politician running for President of the United States
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"Good leaders abhor wrongdoing of all kinds: sound leadership has a moral foundation."
~Proverbs 16:12
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Who wears the millstone?

The abortionist?
The mother who chooses it?
The citizens who support it?
The politicians who fight for it?
The electorate who vote for them?
The mother who chooses it?
The citizens who support it?
The politicians who fight for it?
The electorate who vote for them?
The citizens who look the other way?. . .
Who wears the millstone?

This makes me want to sob.
Q:Who wears the millstone?
A:All of the above.
This is real,this is what abortion is.
I praise God for your boldness and willingness to show it like it is. You can't sugarcoat this as much a people might be angry and offended.
As much as those pictures make me grief and make me sick at the same time, it SHOULD be that way. Silence and secrecy does not wipe away what is being done to these precious babies every day.
Jesus said, "For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open." Luke 8:17NIV
With all frankness, this turns my stomach and there are no words for a "comment."
Like Michelle, I appreciate your boldness. "Lord, heal our land!"
Those pictures have me pretty shaken as they should. I just wrote a post over at my blog that referred my readers back over here. I hope you don't mind.
This should be on the door of every abortion clinic.
Oh God! Help us!!
I was in nursing school doing my OB/GYN rotation when Roe v Wade became law. I wrote my reflections on that time for Lisa Shaw's blog.
Wow. Thank you so much, Esthermay for your honesty and your boldness. Wow.
Your post below on the earthquake was also so Truth-filled.
Bless you, Sister!
Joan said it. It makes me want to absolutely sob my heart out!
I was a product of an out of wedlock pregnancy. In 1973. In a small, Texas town. My biological mother was given the following choices:
1. Have an abortion and we'll welcome you back with open arms as if nothing ever happened.
2. Carry the child to term and give it up for adoption, but not be allowed back until that is done
3. Have the child, keep it and be disowned.
She chose option two. She was 3 months pregnant when Roe v Wade was passed.
I know this information about her b/c my mom worked for the OB/GYN who delivered me. My mom had been praying for a brown haired, brown eyed baby girl b/c she was unable to have kids of her own.
I could have been aborted by my biological mother. If I would have been I never would have had my own beautiful little miracles, my 8 year old daughter and 9 week old son.
It grieves me greatly that someone could abort a baby, an innocent being, a child who knows fear in the womb and struggles to get away from the instrument of its death. It makes my heart break and I weep for the loss of such innocent lives.
Thank you for being so bold and frank so that other's can see just what horrors are being done in the name of "women's rights".
Very disturbing. I've spent too much time at Lisa Shaw's site to watch any more. You presented it well.
thank you
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