Better than cigarettes or eating disorders, right?
We can choose on our blogs to be silly or serious, spiritual or nonsensical. Some of us have a "Random Thoughts" label. (I find that funny.) As Christian bloggers we can choose to be random, unsystematic, even lukewarm in our effort to share Christ or we can be on fire. Which are you? And should this facet of evangelism matter as an expression of our personal blog?
I'm not judging. Just asking.
If you've followed my blog for very long, you know that I do not have a "Random Thoughts" category. Not that I don't have them! (i.e., Random thoughts.) I just have no talent at transforming them into an interesting blog post. Although, I do love stalking other people's random thoughts.
By-the-way . . . Linda@2nd Cup of Coffee is the Grand Marshall of Random Thoughts. Check her out!
*Linda is ALSO an gifted devotional writer. Read "First Love" HERE.
*Linda is ALSO an gifted devotional writer. Read "First Love" HERE.
I've chosen my niche for blogging and I do -- through prayer, diligence and thorough proofreading -- try to stick to it. I have a passion for GOD's Word and a passion for other women (and men!) to share that enthusiasm!

And when you put your name and blog address on a meme, are you supposed to visit everyone else on the meme list? I dunno'
Meanwhile. . .
♥ This week I turned on my computer after having our Internet service down for nearly a week to find that The Heart of a Pastor's Wife had been listed as one of the "Top 100 Christian Women's Blogs of 2008" by Christian Women Online's Internet Cafe!
I'd like to offer a really heartfelt "THANK YOU" to those readers who nominated my blog for this honor because it certainly humbled me.
♥ This week I changed the title of my blog ever so slightly and added the Apologia. To better match the mission of the blog.
♥ This week I discovered that Sean Hannity "follows" my blog. I must know who is kidding me -- or (in the delightful alternative) must hear from Mr. Hannity himself in order to authenticate that this is indeed the "RealSeanHannity."
♥ I've been ribbing my husband all week long about making dinner reservations for Valentine's Day as we (i.e, HE) has a running -- and fairly impressive -- record of putting off the reservation-making till there are no reservations left.
Gotta' love the procrastination feature of the spouse. Makes for fun memories!
♥ I'm still waiting (and waiting, and waiting, and waiting. . . ) for aforementioned husband to find sloppy-red-lipstick-smeared kiss in his DayPlanner.

Part 1: I Keep Hearing the Word Tolerance . . . And in the same context as Agape Love!
Part 2: Love Lessons from I Corinthians 13 "Suffereth Long. . . μακροθυμίᾳ
Part 3: Love Lessons from I Corinthians 13 "Love is Kind. . . χρηστεύεται"
THANK YOU, my friends and readers for making blogging such a rewarding experience for me. I am indeed passionate about God's Word and I do wish that every reader could share my excitement!
Remember: If you're reading this blog and haven't yet read GOD's Word today, start with GOD's Word. It's far better!
~ Esthermay
I post, or visit, other blogs when I have the time. Lately I haven't had much time which means I may have not returned the curtesy to those who left a comment on my blog.
We all have lives, families, it is what you have time for. Thank you for your insights.
Dear: Your's is the only blog I follow besides Internet Cafe and I don't comment there.
I'm of no help to your quest to get answers.
But, Sean Hannity!
I am impressed!
I love your blog so much and everything you share through it!
(I also love Linda's because she downright cracks me up!)
And Sean, if it really is you, PLEASE let us know, because Esthermay isn't the only one who is curious!
When I used to blog, the Follower thing wasn't even around. But comments were and I never knew either. One woman commented on every single post till one day, she was just gone. The I found her blog and she wrote a post similar to yours -- I think she was upset that some people never reciprocated her comments. Ya just never know!
Makes me wonder: Do people just comment to get traffic to their own blog or do they really desire to leave you feedback!
Great post.
I like the addition of the Apologetics -- especially the definition.
Myself: I comment on very few blogs unless I feel strongly about the topic addressed. You have such discernment and wisdom in your writing. I hope my comments are taken as positive feedback to encourage you to keep writing Truth.
When I encounter a blog post out there on the Internet that I disagree with, I leave nothing.
"If you can't say anything nice, say nothing."
I can understand why someone like Sean Hannity would follow your blog.
Sometimes I joke about how superficial I am, but I also have reflective thoughts and strong opinions. Since there are many bloggers out there like you who express those ideas quite well, I do not often feel I can add to or improve many, so I just write about pillow teddy bears and teenagers and my dog. And for some reason, people keep coming back.
I hope that when I do share Christ, I'm not preachy or judgmental because people who do not know Jesus shut that down faster than anything, and if I'd like to speak to anyone about Him on my blog, it would be to those who do not yet know him instead of to "the choir." But I'm never ashamed or hesitant to talk about who He is to me personally. Because the one thing readers can't get other places is my story of my walk with him.
Having said that, I think I have to be true to my voice, which is one of humor. Except in this comment, where I sound like the most unfunny person in the world.
Awesome post! I love it. Do you think it really could be Sean Hannity? How cool would that be?!
I enjoyed reading your blog.
I personally go visit others who have commented on my blog (or signed up for the Mr. Linky on the Friday Company Girl Coffee) ... but I don't necessarily "follow" them or expect them to do that to mine at all. If people want to follow my ramblings, that's fine. But usually, they're just ramblings. :)
Have a blessed weekend.
I love your blog sweetie, because you speak the truth, you never stray from the word of God. As far as visiting other blogs, and how often, ect, follow your heart, when you have time.
I've followed your blog since you posted only once a month from your church newsletter. I'm not a blogger and have never commented on this or any other blog.
Not all of your readers are fellow bloggers who are capable of "following" but we are still blessed.
Thank you and keep writing.
Blog etiquette....I'm afraid I fall short, mostly because of time. I rarely get "out" to visit other blogs (except for Company Girls Coffee, which I love). I have blogged for almost 3 years, but it took me awhile to figure out my own niche. What I thought I would like writing about and what I actually like writing about surprised me.
I've met wonderful people, like you, through blogging, and it is a very cool way to connect with others. How else could Mr. Hannity hear what you have to say?? That's quite something.
Have a blessed weekend!
I try to leave comments when I can to let the blogger know that I visited, but don't expect any comments back. I'm not sure how the followers thing work, but if someone chooses to follow you, I don't think you have to follow them back, although I'm not sure about the etiquette of it all. I think sometimes people do comment to get traffic on their site. Many times I have people leave a comment once (this is on another one of my blogs), never to return again after I "friend" them. Thanks for sharing.
I loved this post!
Congrats to you as well for being Top 100 Blogs...yours is beautiful and speaks the heart of our Fahter!
I'm honored and humbled to be in your company - hello Sean Hannity blog reader!!! LOL!
I too wonder the whole etiquette of blogland. I'm not sure I like the whole following not following thing. I like knowing who is reading my blog and pray over them often. I just can't follow everyones. I don't have time to read every blog out there. Nor can I possibly stop by every blog on a meme when I sign up. Should I not enter then? I don't know how others do it seriously and keep up with real life. It is not possible for me that is for sure :) I think it is nice to comment on a blog that you read - daily I don't think so but when you are touched by something yes - because God says to encourage one another and to be iron sharpening iron. I don't like the guilt on many blogs or the have to do this to enter this or you must link to me to get this. I just don't see that in how God asks us to give without receiving. So there is part of this whole blogging thing I still don't get.
I think our husbands would truly get along. I'm not sure you read yet - he finished bible college in the fall and is working through his Masters Degree now at the Norm Geisler school. We have zero clue what God is going to do with the 100's of hours he has put into understanding His word - but we trust it will have something to do with teaching. My husband has such a blessed gift to make the word understandable and powerful. I'm blessed like you to be under his teaching.
Praising God that through the crazy world of blogging - we can find another kindred-spirit and friends that share our passion for Him and those who are seeking to know Him more. I'm humbled every day that someone comments and spends time with me.
Blessings to you and your beautiful ministry! It is nice to meet you!
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